Examine Tips On Choosing A Chandelier For Your Family Room more

Fashionable and functional elegant lighting fixtures should be incorporated into the home just as any decorative accessory or art object would be chosen. Most home decor experts say that a fine chandelier is an investment that will add to the value of your home.

In finding the right chandelier style for your home, simply begin with a color or a material that is predominant in the overall decorative scheme of a room. What catches your eye in a specific room and what type of statement do you want to make?

If the room is more traditional, choose chandeliers with more ornamentation and classical decorative details. If your home is modern, go for those with less ornamentation and simpler details.

Tips In Getting The Right-Sized Chandelier For Your Living Room

Mounted lighting fixtures have dual purposes. They are there not just to illuminate a room; they also provide aesthetic appeal to it by bringing elegance and adding a unique glow to your room. Unlike lamps that one can move around, chandeliers are more of semi-permanent structures which will require more proper positioning for these fixtures to work well and look good.

The first tip in choosing a chandelier relates to size. Homeowners need to consider the proportion between the size of the room and the size of the lighting piece. A chandelier that is too small for a room will surely look isolated. On the other hand, if it is too large for a room, it will appear cluttering. With a wide array of chandeliers available today, the chances are high in getting the perfect one that suits most homes.

Employ Some Creativity When Getting The Right Chandelier

The art of squeezing out the best of your creative juices, is very much needed in getting the right lighting fixture for your room, as there are a wide range of designs, finishes and styles to choose from. Each chandelier adds a touch of elegance to any room and vibrancy into the domestic atmosphere.

Many unique styles can range from the elaborate and large ones to minimalist and aesthetically pleasing designs. These elegant lighting pieces can complement other lighting very easily and will certainly add value to one's home. When choosing a living room chandelier, in particular, attention to proportions becomes clearly magnified.

The fixture must neither dominate a room nor look totally insignificant. The best thing to do is to measure width and length of the family room's main table and consider these measurements in shopping. As a rule of thumb, the span of the chandelier must be 12 inches shorter than the table's width (or diameter).

It's a rule that most chandeliers should be placed generally higher than 8 feet above the floor in the middle of the room or foyer for safety and style. If the electrical connection on the ceiling does not work with the center of a room, add a heavy-duty decorative hook on the ceiling above the center, and then attach a length of chain to carry the wiring from the electrical connection to the hook.

A chandelier with three or more light sockets is probably more suited to 40 watt bulbs. Once correct bulbs are chosen and installed, the chandelier should give off sufficient light coverage without blinding anyone. Installing dimmer controls is often recommended because they allow adjustment of the light's intensity, and suit your preferences.

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Tips On Choosing A Chandelier For Your Family Room