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Decorating Ideas For Family Room

You've got the pool table, the foosball, the big screen and the bar. The guys want to add a neon sign, some college posters and be done with it. A rec room is for recreation, not decoration, right?


You know that even a rec room needs some panache. But with a large space, it's often hard to know where to start. Here are some ideas:

A Room Divided...

Is a functional room. You may be fortunate enough to have a basement with rooms; most, however, are large, unwieldy spaces. Decide what activities belong in your rec room, then use furniture, screens, and shelving to divide it accordingly. For example, you can create a media center with a television, games, and seating, separating it from the rest of the room with a sectional. Bookshelves, either ceiling height or much shorter, can be used to set off a reading nook. Screens can hide a sewing or crafts area, hiding the mess so you don't feel obligated to put a project away every night. And using area rugs also creates natural divisions for larger items, like pool tables.

Organize, organize, organize!

Just about everything in a rec room has the potential to be a decorating disaster. Game pieces, Legos, video games, puzzles, and craft supplies strewn about, combined with last night's snacks, make for an unpleasant space. Provide shelving, hooks, baskets, trash bins in every area, so that picking up is simple. Avoid over-organizing, however. Rec rooms are informal by nature; don't give yourself fits if every DVD isn't in alphabetical order; just shelving should be enough.


Even if your spouse calls the rec room his "man cave," it should reflect every member of the family. Is your son a basketball fan? Frame some team posters and jerseys? Does your daughter love science fiction? Celebrate her interest with movie posters, model space ships hanging from the ceiling tiles, and a shelf of memorabilia. Do you love quilting? Decorate the crafts area with a bold quilt-block mural. You could also choose accessories based on common family activities such as travel or music. Bring it all together with unique lighting accents. Spell your family's name or favorite slogan with decorative letter lighting, or set off the media area with marquee lights. Whichever theme you choose, making your rec room a family space will ensure it becomes a place to gather and make memories for happy years to come.

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Decorating the Ideal Rec Room