Understand Painting Fine Art for a Contemporary Family Room extra

Even if you don't possess a great deal of artistic talent, you can still create fine art pieces that are perfect for a contemporary family room. Adding art created by you or another family member is a great way of adding the perfect finishing touch to a room. If you've never tried painting fine art, here are some easy ideas that you can use to get those creative juices flowing.

Abstract Works of Art

Although it usually requires a bit of artistic talent to create a realistic painting, almost anyone can create an eye-catching piece of abstract art. Since abstract art pieces blend beautifully with contemporary styles of decorating, they can be the perfect addition to your contemporary family room. Although you can actually paint on almost any surface, it's often easiest to start with a purchased piece of canvas board. Start by using a pencil to lightly sketch your design onto the board. Or, practice your design first on a large piece of paper. Geometric patterns often work well as the basis for abstract works of art. Once you have a design you like, you can use either acrylic or oil artist paints to color the penciled patterns that you drew on the canvas board.

You can also use a totally freehand approach to painting the canvas. Paint the canvas a solid color and let dry. Then, using brushes, sponges and other applicators, apply different colors of paints in freehand patterns. You can even splash and splatter the canvas board with paint if you do your work in a protected area. Since there isn't a specific "right" or "wrong" way to create art, simply paint until you like your results. Then let your painted masterpiece dry, place in a frame, and display on your family room wall.

Realistic Works of Art

Even if you don't possess a great deal of natural artistic talent, you can still create beautiful realistic paintings for your family room. There are plenty of "how-to" painting instruction books and courses available, which are designed to teach the basics of painting. Many of these books include step-by-step instructions that you can use to create a specific painting. Simply choose one that appeals to you, gather your supplies, and you'll be on your way towards painting your own piece of fine art. If this is your first attempt at painting, it can be helpful to practice first on an inexpensive piece of paper before trying it on a piece of canvas board. But, it's important to remember that even if you don't like your first attempt, you can always cover your painting with gesso, let dry, and start over again. In fact, most of the world's great artists and masters reused their canvases, painting new works of art over older ones.

You can also use an overhead projector to help create a realistic painting. Find a design or scene that you like, place it on the bed of the projector, and reflect its image onto the wall. Trace the basic shapes onto a piece of canvas board. Then, paint the design using the original as a guide. Before you know it, you'll have a beautiful piece of fine art to frame and display in your family room.

Family Rooms

Artist/Designer, Jessica Ackerman, writes for WallDecorandHomeAccents.com and offers aspiring home designers the opportunity to decorate with huge wall vases or tropical wall sculptures.

Painting Fine Art for a Contemporary Family Room

Family Rooms